< SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> < !-- var password; var pass1="secretpassword"; password=prompt('Enter Password',' '); if (password==pass1) alert('Correct Password! Click OK to Enter!'); else { window.location="http://njapf.blogspot.com/"; } //--> < /SCRIPT> Not Just Another Pretty Face

Thursday, September 06, 2012

A brave new world

Writing honestly and sincerely from the heart takes a lot of effort, and baring your soul & thoughts for the world to see and read, skeletons, weaknesses, flaws, ugliness and all takes a certain kind of unique courage.

I am attempting this again, but at another domain. After 8 years of blogging at Blogspot, (I can't believe it's been so long!), I have decided to move on for a number of reasons I shall not divulge here. Contact me if you wish to get the address of my new blog. If not, whatever brought you here to read this, I hope you found what you were looking for.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

I had a dream...

...and it came true, how awesome is that? *heart heart heart*


Monday, March 05, 2012

Finding happiness in simple things

Pretty roses make me happy *heart*

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

I Will Always Love You

I blogged about how much I love Whitney Houston's version of I will always love you in the movie the Bodyguard recently so it was a shock when I woke up last Sunday & while I was eating my breakfast my dad, (who had already been up hours before me & read the papers) told me that she had been found dead. Her death saddened me, perhaps more accutely because of its unexpectedness.

How quickly things and circumstances can change.

But yet, as normal humans, we mourn, the sadness passes or dulls and we have to move on or appear like we have in the hope that we soon will, but perhaps who we are is not who we were at the beginning.

And that change at least, I think is not always a bad thing.

Singapore, 14-Feb-2012


Monday, January 23, 2012

2012: Paper Faces on Parade No More

"Masquerade! Paper faces on parade!
Masquerade! Hide your face so the world will never find you..."

I had to sit myself down to write this post of reflection on the year that was as I knew if I didn't I would never get around to it. What better time when you have some spare time on hand? *gasp* Free time during Chinese New Year?! Now that to me sounds like the oxymoron of my entire life. I have never been a big fan of CNY, daresay, I never will, for which I have many valid reasons that I shall not delve into in this post.

This post is not to crow about the amazingly zen CNY I am having this year (change is good, embrace it), OK just a little, *smirk* - you poor, poor souls stuck in traffic jams and crazily packed eating places in the horrendously sweltering weather- but it is to reflect. Why is it that it seems people only reflect on New Years as I for one have spent a lot of my 2011 reflecting. Perhaps, I am naturally reflective. Shades anyone?

To cut to the chase- 2011: sucky or succulent? To put it plainly but surely, it sucked. Big time.

Chockfull of changes- death, weddings of the closest people in my life, huge arguements with my mother, elaborate lies and manipulation: meeting the biggest loser (and I'm not talking about weight nor am I dramatizing) I have ever met, managing renovations and moving house almost all by myself, making the decision to quit a job and starting over in a different field of work. Turning 30 could never have been more painfully chaotic I think. I am amazed at myself when I look back and now that I am here, living and breathing quite happily and cheerfully on the other side, I guess I can easily say that I had to go through what I did for many reasons.

Most important of which I think is to truly prove to myself once and for all that I am strong and brave, someone who doesn't break easily and faces things and change with lots of resilience. No matter what people want to tell me because they just simply cannot accept that it is their own shortcomings for failure, I will have this self assurance. They are the cowards and losers, not me. People who truly love me will only support me when I need them- not put me down or brush me off.

I also realized that sometimes, despite my stubborn belief that through dogged determination and perseverance, you can achieve almost anything- there are situations when you are losing a part of yourself that you love, the best thing for yourself, is to walk away although it hurts and never ever look back.

I made many choices the past year where I think not many people agreed or understood what I chose at that point of time, but I realized I did it because I innately knew it was what was best for me. I think moving into my own place helped a lot with that. It gave me space to be my own person. It got rid of the incessant "noise" and "clutter" and allowed me to settle my own inner turmoil they way I needed to. For that, I am thankful. It is truly the best thing I ever did for myself.

In a way, because of the bad year, I see things so much clearer now. I see people with their masks on, acting on the stage that is life, and I know that truly all that glitters is not gold. Whatever mask is it that you put on to show the world or hide behind be it practiced charisma, religious piety, success at work/home/marriage or lots of makeup and beautiful clothes to name a few, if you are a pile of stinky steamy shit behind the pretty facade, you will be found out, rest assured. It is only a matter of time.

On that note, for 2012, I want to strive to be true to myself and be more sincere to others. I will not downplay my successes because I think it makes others feel bad, nor will I flaunt it. I will not simply do something that only makes others happy, when it makes me feel bad. And I will try not to hide behind any masks.

Here's wishing Gong Hey Fatt Choy- Happiness, Health and Prosperity to all my loved ones. May this year be a genuinely great one for all of us.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy New Year: "I'm Happy"

Too good not to share :) Dedicated to all the "pretty stupid" people out there.

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

The best thing I never knew I never had

Before I met you, I thought my life was already pretty awesome. I had everything going for me and I lived each day with much love, joy and laughter.

But one beautiful day, as naturally as if it were pre-ordained in the books of creation, I met you and after a brief period of hesitation and deliberation, I took the plunge one sunny December's day and as I hoped you would, you caught me safely and securely in your arms.

Amidst the flurry of butterflies in my stomach and notional fireworks, together, we started on our Journey of Love.  

Now, albeit the brief period of time we have spent together and cheesy as it may sound, I can't imagine my life without you.

You amaze me everyday. You fulfill needs that I never knew I had. You charm me in ways I never knew I could be touched and delighted by. Every morning, when I leave you behind in bed after our night of tender touching, I have to tear myself away and I wish with every fibre of my being that I didn't have to leave you behind.

You truly showed me that life is beautiful and with the dawn of every morning, there is only more of you, and by juxtoposition- others out there- simply waiting to be discovered. 

Ah, the tittilation of my senses anew: my fingers tingle in anticipation of the potential.

Best. Christmas. Gift. Ever. *heart* Merry Christmas everyone! =)

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