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Saturday, December 29, 2007

2007: Reflections

And yet another year draws to an end.

Sometimes, wishfully thinking, I wonder this: if we don't keep track of the seasons and days, will the signs of passing time leave us unscathed? Our foreheads to remain forever baby bottom smooth, the fine web of crows feet never to marr the corners of our eyes and our spirits ever unflagging, bouyed by eternal optimism, never to be burdened with the cynicism that seems to inevitably seep in with age. And maybe, just maybe we could be frozen in a quantum of time where we will forever be at our happiest, brightest and most beautiful.

Alas, this is but just a whimsical fantasy I toy with fancifully when I make time for introspection and self-reflection of how I have grown, and yes...aged over the year.

Nothing happened in 2007 that seems to me in retrospect, extraordinarily memorable.

But maybe, resigning from my old job on Valentine's Day 2007 wasn't such a great idea. (I mean, look where it's gotten me in the relationship area)

The period cramps seemed to be especially terrible this year as well resulting in my first visit to the O&G who thankfully confirmed it wasn't anything serious. I wonder if it's all the work-related stress?

And of course, how can I forget my 26th birthday, where I suffered from an anaphylactic reaction from the food I had for dinner resulting in a visit to the GP.

Moving into my uber comfortable, air-conditioned new room and apartment with the best housemate anyone could ever ask for (maybe because we're seldom at home together as either one of us is always travelling or working late ;)) was perhaps one of the happiest events of the year. No more termite-infested room and cockroach-infested kitchen as well as no more inconsiderate flatmate who says and does the world's most innane things like this and this.

Not forgetting all the "frogs" you unfortunately, have to kiss before you find your Happily (If)Ever After. The one who told me he hoped he could see me again (but never did), the one who kept calling despite the blatant "not interested" hints, the random one liners that never amounted to anything.

My mom's surgery, weddings (5 weddings in a year is a record high for me!) and of course, lots of travel sort of sums up the year that was for me.

If anything, I learnt this year that the human spirit is an indomitable one. Somehow, it will find a way of surviving, of adapting, learning and changing. No wonder the brunt of it all is born physically- manifesting in fine lines, sagging skin, age spots, white hair and expanding waistlines. :)

I think I've reached the juncture where I should list my 2008 resolutions but I'm not in the right frame of mind right now. Maybe tomorrow if I feel like it.

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