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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Back in KL

I missed KL while I was away! Inspite of the sticky humidity, hazy polluted skies and incessant traffic jams...

Nothing like a trip away from home to make you appreciate the nice things about your own country, eh?

I'm glad to be back.


Today is my parents' 30th wedding anniversary. For all the ups and downs, I think it is amazing that they have been married that long! My mom said that being married for 30 years to my dad makes him the person she's stayed with the longest, even longer than with her own parents, which is true. I suppose that is why your significant other is commonly referred to as your "life partner"? For better or for worse, till death do you part!


I experienced my first car tire puncture today while driving to KL for my annual work appraisal with my Medical Director! Talk about bad timing and Murphy's Law! I actually worried about getting a puncture while driving to work this morning. Premonition? Or maybe, I'm just an incurable worry wort, because to think about it, ever since I started driving about two years ago I always had this nagging worry (especially when I drive long-distance) as to what I should do if I get a tire puncture. Because you see, I actually only know the theory of changing car tires, but have no hands on experience. Well, I know what I should do now- stop your car once you realize you have a puncture- if not you run the risk of spoiling your car's sport rims which I assume is gonna cost you a huge bomb, much more than just merely changing the tires, and call for help. But I think this only applies if you're not in a hurry for an important appointment like I was. This time, since I "luckily" happened to be fairly close to my apartment, I actually managed to drive home (burning rubber smell and all), called a cab and made it to my appointment about two minutes late. Hehe.

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At 11:32 AM, December 21, 2007, Blogger 3-Seconder said...

yeah yeahh!!!!

WELCOME BACK!!!omg.. i miss u so much lah!

nobody to talk to on IM... nobody to call when i'm driving back home at night... !!!!

At 11:10 PM, December 24, 2007, Blogger savante said...

It's not all bad in KL after all :)

At 7:45 PM, December 25, 2007, Blogger N.J.A.P.F. said...

3-sec: Heehee...I'm back now and here to stay for a while!

savante: Agree! Many good things about the place! And it's home!


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