Of earring trees 'n such
I bought this earring tree in Suan Lum night market during my trip to Bangkok last week and I really like it very, very much. It really organizes all my earrings very well. No more mess of earrings on my shelf top or digging through my chest of mini drawers looking for the elusive matching pair to my earring when I'm in a rush to go to work or go out!
I went swimming on Sunday night and did about 50 laps in my condo's not-so-large pool. As I was sitting catching my breath in the shallow end of the pool, one of the other swimmers, a guy whom I estimate to be in his 30s, came up to me and said, "Is that all? You're stopping now? How about 5 more laps?" Then he added, "You swim very well!!"
Hahaha...Was that a pick-up line? Hmm, can't be 100% sure since it was quite dark at the pool but he didn't particularly strike me as drop dead gorgeous plus the fact that I was clad only in my, admittedly modest, Speedo one piece...So I just said a demure "Thank you, but I'm gonna rest a bit more!" and left it at that. Seriously girls, what would you have said?!
I got a migraine attack yesterday while driving to work, I think it was the sunlight that triggered it because I forgot to take my sunglasses out from my travel bag or perhaps the fact that I jumped out of bed that morning in a real hurry! I've never had it before though. The attack started with spots of light dancing in my eyes- the feeling was as if I had just stepped out from a dark room into dazzling bright sunlight. Initially I thought it was the glare from the sunlight but in retrospect I realized that the morning wasn't a particularly sunny one. In fact, it was fairly cloudy. I somehow managed to drive the remaining 20 km to work where the nausea hit me and did not subside with the two Panadols (the only medicine I had with me) I popped. Overall, the attack lasted about 3 hours and left me with a residual throbbing at the back of my neck. Thankfully, I think the migraine was a mild one! My heart goes out to all migraine sufferers out there. IT'S SO NOT FUN. Nothing like first-hand experience to make you more empathetic, eh?
Labels: Girl stuff, Me, myself and I, Random Stuff
i didn't know i was having a migraine attack till the nausea said hello. thought all these while I had BAD headaches when in fact, I'm suspecting they were milder migraines.
was bad...very bad. I can't imagine getting an attack while driving - you couldn't lie down or close your eyes or go anywhere!
Aiyo. In the car some more. We actually keep a strip of PCM and Fedac in the car, because you never know...
Yeah.. i agree. u should start keeping Synflex around too. at least subsides the pain a little. Or maybe just spare a few tabs of Cafergot lah. Hahhaa! Oh my, all the pharmacists' jargons ;)
Me likey ur earrings tree!! so cuteee! am tempted to go in search for it. but i think my limit monetary budget has to be reserved now with BIGGER issues in sight.
no more spontaneous shopping.. *argh*
fer: Poor you! You get migraines too! Is it work stress?? I know I get tension headaches now and then, but this was the first time my headache came with nausea...
janvier: I usually have some Synflex in my purse, but just so happened I didn't on that day...:( Just a thought though,in our hot weather, if you keep medicine in the car, aren't the storage conditions not ideal- temp above 30 degrees? One of the reasons (valid or not, I dunno) why I don't keep spare meds in the car...
3-sec: Yeah...bigger issues, but a nice one too! Never mind the trivial, frivolous spendings of your single-going-to-die-lonely friend here! ;)
yea...temperature in car. that's one of the reason I didn't keep meds in car - and for the previous time that I did...I didn't even dare to take it *haha* thought may be "defective" since it's been stored in "less than optimal storage conditions"
Janvier: Means that the meds won't work at 100% efficiency. But better than nothing, no?
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