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Tuesday, March 13, 2007


There are times when you feel you are invincible. When health is rosy and the money's good, it seems like nothing or no one on Earth and this dimension can stop your purpose, that you can go out and conquer the world, just by the sheer force of your youthful determination, dynamism and idealism.

And then suddenly, you get a jolt, an awakening or in some cases, a dull, throbbing pain as if sharp daggers are carving at the pit that is your abdomen, reminding you that you are merely human. That there is a finite threshold to how much you can do, how much pain you can withstand, how much hurt your heart can contain.

And in the vulnerability of the moment, you realize, that some problems just cannot be solved no matter how much you work at it, push it, force it or will it to go away. And in that moment, and just that moment alone, you know that superheores live only in the flight of fancies in pages of comic books and on movie screens.

The moment passes, as all moments inevitably do, and you stubbornly cling to your delusions in oblivion.

Note: Reminder to myself- I'm no superhero!


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