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Saturday, February 10, 2007

In a tulip frame of mind

It's unbelievable how much serious effort it takes to wake up some mornings.

Your head seems glued to the pillow, your limbs feel like they weight a ton, and the heaviness of heart and head of yesternight dosen't seem any lighter. The tightness of chest in the harsh reality of day, seems even tighter for some strange reason

It isn't that you're sleepy or tired. Your eyes open on their own accord for a pee at 6.30 am, after which you lie in semi-conciousness, ensconed in the peaceful hour of dawn. And your mind races actively, for a reason unknown to you

And though your brain is telling you to, "Get up, you lazy, slothful, unproductive, scum of humankind!"

Your heart and body are telling you, "Dahlin', burrow deeper into your blanket and pillows and sleep, sleep. You need moreeeeeeeeeee sleeeeeep"

And you gratefully cave in to the whims of your heart. At least in sleep, reality seems at a standstill.

But then, in the recesses of your befuddled brain, you know that you can't escape reality forever.

So you grumpily embrace the light of day and put your best foot forward and think of tulip bulbs awakening after a long winter of hibernation and how they must feel when Spring rolls around

Happy for the chance at a brief moment of vibrant bloom, that is at the same time elegantly simple ?

Or longing for the ignorant hopefulness of the dark that only comes with not knowing any better?

But, longing is all there is. You can never go back.


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