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Saturday, March 10, 2007

I can cook, so can you!

Project Bumming #001 (ref no: PB 001)

Yesterday, I had an unusual urge to cook something! I know, me, wanting to cook? It's like...hahaha. But I've realized that cooking can be quite pleasant when you have all the time in the world and nothing worrying you at the back of your mind.

I decided to cook pasta and porkchops. Simple, healthy and foolproof even for me. =D

I bought the fresh produce, pictured above, at Carefour MidValley. Estimated cost, about RM 14. Serves 3 people with medium appetites. Preparation time 45 mins. Cooking time 1 hour 15 mins.

First things first, I marinated the pork chops with soy sauce, oyster sauce, a pinch of sugar, dash of pepper and inspirationally, a tablespoon of Maggi chilli sauce. Then popped them into the fridge for about one hour and a half.

Next, came the dicing- carrots, peppers, onions and tomatoes. All nicely chopped up...

Pan frying the pork chops in olive oil. As an after thought, I threw in a handful of chopped onions for extra zing. At the same time, I boiled the pasta, about two microwave-containers full.

Sauteeing the veggies. After frying the onions till fragrant, I dumped in all the veg together. But I think the tomatoes should have gone in first as they should be mushy and also the bell peppers lost their vibrant colours after being in the pan for too long.

After that it was simply adding the pasta sauce, warming it and serving...

Yummy...the meal tasted good. Even my 'guinea pig' said so. Heehee.

But I really, really need a camera that will give me a better macro shot than the last pix taken with my phone! I'm working on it! =D


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