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Sunday, August 12, 2007

A point of no return

Danga Bay, Johor Bahru

I reached one of life’s points of no return today.

Though I can’t say it’s a nice feeling being at this juncture, but I think I am relieved that the unhappy zombie-fied state of sleepless indecisiveness of the last month is behind me.

I’m thankful that I’ve been jostled awake to the fact that there’s so much more to life than just settling for something and that I deserve better. And also, I ought to have the chance to strive for what I believe is the best for me. I know many of you have been telling me this, but I think I needed some time to realize and see for myself.

At this point, I feel free and liberated. Given a clean slate to write on, as if I have been reborn, with a renewed zest to start over and make up for lost opportunities. And the best thing is, I know I am strong enough to do it. It’s funny how you sometimes rediscover secret reservoirs of determination you have forgotten you ever possessed!

The human spirit is a resilient one indeed. And corny as it sounds, what cannot kill you can only make you stronger. I find it a somewhat comforting, if flippant, thought.

I don’t regret one scrap of the past, but since there’s no way back, I can only look forward to the uncertain future. Wish me luck?

A door closes shut firmly, its lock clicking with a note of finality.
The key? It’s been lost, for all eternity.

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At 11:47 AM, August 13, 2007, Blogger 3-Seconder said...

Keep that reservoir of detemination going strong! Whatever the uncertain future holds, believe that you will find happiness. We don't search for a perfect being in this world.

But that doesn't stop us for searching for a perfect match.

Cheer up!! :)

At 11:46 PM, August 13, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And always cast your nets wider! The seven seas' the limit! :-p


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