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Sunday, May 13, 2007

And it was a very hot night

Making a splash.
OK, totally unrelated picture to the post. But I like this picture very much and was dying to show it off. :) Captured it at the swimming pool at my Bali hotel.

Many a decision of mine has been made based on my gut feeling because I place a lot of trust in my perception of people and situations.

But I’ve come to understand that sometimes, as a teacher, as a parent...as a friend, despite a nagging feeling of something amiss festering in your heart, if your opinion is not sought, it might be best if you suppress the feeling, hard as it may be. Pray that it is wrong and wish the person the very best. Because more often than not, people learn best the hard way and their decisions and actions are not yours to make or dictate.

Plus, they won’t thank you much less, believe you if you warn them or point out to them that they might be setting themselves up for a lot of heartache, or that they might just be wrong about something.

And who knows? There is a chance that your gut feeling might prove incorrect!

So, the best you can do? I think is to be there for them if they fall- to lend a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on and provide an unwavering, stolid wall of strength for them to lean on.


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