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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

One down

Today, I achieved the first of a series of somewhat important tasks I'd committed to complete.

The pride of accomplishment was undeniable, but tinged, with the frustration of unappreciation and an underlying fear that more, will be what is asked. Like an insatiable parasite that will continue sucking until a mere empty husk of the former being is left behind to crumble into ash and dust, and dissolve in the rain of time into nothingness.

Someone touched me when they bothered to asked, why do you still care, why do you still wait? What will happen if you fail to complete?

In the very depths of my heart, I know the answer is a BIG FAT NOTHING!

But I am who I am. I'd like to think that, taking pride, is something I cannot change.

Or am I just being stupid?



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