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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fleeting moments

Seated in the gloom of the shiny black car, with his two-day old stubble, the resemblance was surprising and uncanny, and, for a split moment, the faintly familiar scent that was a mixture of cigarettes, strong black coffee and after dinner mints seemed to linger between them in the cool air-conditioned air.

Déjà vu: of a time when happiness chanced upon me, but was never mine to keep.

Fleeting moments of happiness seemed to define my 2008. Silly as it might sound, turning 27 in the past year appeared to have rendered me butter-fingered, simply unable to gain a stronghold on the elusive idea of happiness.

Perhaps, my new year's resolution (now not so new anymore) should be to rethink what happiness means to me. Or maybe, I should kick the pointless habit I picked up somewhere of checking the license plate of every black car I chance upon.

Alas, resolutions are not something I believe in. Not anymore.



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