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Monday, February 09, 2009

Laden with Prosperity and Abundance

I just thought I'd share some photos of the wholesome homecooked meals I've been having for the past two weeks of Chinese New Year. Somehow, lots of (porky) food is always synonymous with this festive period. Everyone chips in and prepares heaps of food because having leftovers, signifies there's more than you can eat for the whole family which, I think, is supposed to be auspicious.

Though my poor stomach is cranky from working overtime, I must admit, it has been wonderful to not have to think what and where to eat your next meal.

Since today is the last day of CNY, here's wishing everyone Happy Chap Goh Meh and a Prosperous and Healthy Ox Year ahead!

As for me, I'm back in KL, back to traffic-jammed reality, back to overpriced, less than spectacular KL food.

Reality: tastes like Wonderland.

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At 4:25 AM, February 18, 2009, Blogger FeR said...

*lau hau sui*

I miss home cooked food...actually, I miss my mom's cooking! :(


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