< SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> < !-- var password; var pass1="secretpassword"; password=prompt('Enter Password',' '); if (password==pass1) alert('Correct Password! Click OK to Enter!'); else { window.location="http://njapf.blogspot.com/"; } //--> < /SCRIPT> Not Just Another Pretty Face: At a loss for words...

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

At a loss for words...

So much has happened and there are so many thoughts swirling in my head. But, for once in my life I find it hard to translate my thoughts into words.

Is it life that has become so complex that it trancends mere words, or is it just me losing touch with something I once loved wholeheartedly?

Edit: 11-Mar-2009. I'm making a concious effort to write more often from now, even if it's only one or two lines...

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