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Tuesday, September 04, 2007


For some inexplicable reason this morning, I woke up debating in my befuddled sleep-deprived brain, whether there was one or two "gs" in "Armageddon". (A quick Google check confirmed the singular "g".)

Why I was dreaming about the Apocalypse, The End of the World, the final battle between Good and Evil, watever you want to call it, is anybody's guess.

Was is indigestion from the maggi mee sup soto ayam (which in yesterday's unfocused post-work state, prepared it in maggi mee goreng style- no wonder it was so salty!) that I had for dinner? More possibly, it was my pre-bedtime reading of Preludes and Nocturnes (Yes, I finally finished it!). Dark and twisty but interesting nevertheless, because of its strangeness.

But really, who knows why you dream what you dream?

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