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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I'm going crazy!

Alcohol on display for effect only. =D

I doubt the sanity of my mental state of late. Why, you ask?

Hmmm, besides the fact that I'm wide awake at 2.01 am on a Monday night, technically early Tuesday morning, writing this blog post in a Singapore hotel room, on my equally crazed colleague's laptop (because I shut mine down 5 minutes ago and suddenly an itch to write struck).

Maybe because me and my partner in crime spent the last half hour "working" (while singing off-key, vastly altered renditions of Akon's Lonely , the oiginal is by Bobby Vinton, I just found out tonight) and we have to be up and perky early tomorrow to attend a meeting!!!

Check out the lyrics BeeStungLips came up with (zombie was my idea..haha)

Hokay, enough rubbish for one night. I should go to bed now. Gnite!



At 10:56 AM, August 30, 2007, Blogger Janvier said...

Nope. Not crazy. Blogging addiction only mah.


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