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Monday, May 12, 2008

Free Burger, Book Meme and Bobo

Today I did the Big Mac chant in 2.27 secs at McDs and won myself a free Big Mac (without onions). You're supposed to do it within 4 seconds if you want to win the free burger.

The chant goes:

Two all-beef patties,
Special sauce,
Cheese, lettuce, pickles, onions
On a sesame seed bun.

Talk about brilliant marketing, eh? I totally know by heart what goes into a Big Mac now! After a rubbish day at work, having dinner at McDs and winning a free burger through the somewhat childish but fun stunt was the highlight of my day.


Janvier tagged me with this Bookline Meme. I don't really see the point of this Meme, but since Janvier is a nice guy...


On with the Meme:

Pick up the nearest book (with at least 123 pages).Turn to page 123.Find the 5th sentence.Post the 5th sentence.Tag 5 people.

Nearest book is Lust, Caution by Eileen Chang.

"On one side, there was a small lot: black gravel and brownish grass, and a dark brown house with faded blue venetian blinds standing quietly in the rain."

I tag no one cause I'm feeling lazy.

I've been meaning to post Bobo's picture on my blog for ages, but some how never got around to it until recently when a turn of events brought Bobo onto my mind again.

Meet Bobo, the Rottweiler guard dog at my office.

Okay, maybe Bobo is a silly name for such a huge dog, but it's my own special petname for him. And honestly, Bobo's always been a sweet dog- he's never barked at me before.

I used to be very afraid of him when I first started working at my office though, and whenever I worked late (they let Bobo out between 9-10 pm) I would creep out of my office building's main doors, look warily left and right for the hulking beast, and sprint the 10 feet to my car, duck in and sink into my car seat with my heart pounding wildly. Hahaha. I exaggerate, but only by a bit.

My colleagues and I even used to joke that Bobo could be used as an excuse to justify to the Bosses Why We Cannot Work Late.

However, after a year of walking past his cage almost daily, I'm no longer afraid of Bobo. Since I usually park near his cage, I notice Bobo often has this mournful muka kesian and likes to poke his head out through his cage's iron grills to observe people's comings and goings and as if he wished he could join them. My heart goes out to him. Makes you almost feel like reaching out your hand and giving him a nice *pat pat* on the head, right?

Almost la...but not quite. I still daren't. :)



At 11:47 AM, May 27, 2008, Blogger colin said...

Sweet dog? :) Somehow i have difficulty equating rottweilers with sweet :)


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