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Friday, April 25, 2008

Oh what a crappy week!

I can't begin to express how incredibly glad I am that Friday is finally here!

It hasn't been the greatest week for me. My project managers were here for first half of the week. A pesky mosquito trapped in my car happily fed on my innocent, unsuspecting legs and feet for two days until I finally manage to squish it into a bloody pulp of mass with my bare palms. Drated parasite! The bites still itch though, especially the one on the sole of my right foot.

After a week's hiatus from my yoga classes, I felt exhausted even with the most basic poses that on normal days are fairly easy. I really need to go for more classes this weekend to make up for last week's missed classes due to last weekend's trip to Singapore. I'm already looking forward to this weekend's pilates classes with my favourite instructors. Oh, my trip to Singapore by the way,was fantastic- Queen's musical at the Esplanade, 5 hours non-stop karaoke and McGriddles at 4am in the morning with wonderful people sort of sums it up! I think I need another trip like that to look forward to soon, at the rate I'm going!

I've been sleeping early for my standards (11.30 pm on most days) and yet waking up every morning feeling like I could do with another 8 hours of good, sound sleep. It's not lethargy or plain laziness, but rather deterioration in sleep quality, which I've learnt recently is something medically valid. Rather convenient explanation, don't you think? *grin* Could it be due to stress? PMS? Income tax e-Filing? I've been having weird dreams too, just the other day I dreamt I was cooking some meat, and the key ingredient I was spooning into the pot was sand- to make the sauce thick, dark and...earthy? Too weird!

I also find myself really irritaited with schedules others try to impose on me. I've noticed I automatically rebel when there is a suggestion to timetable my personal life a certain way. I detest rigidity, but at the same time I realize that without stucture, how can things ever be achieved?

I lament the fact there there is no longer (or much less) spontaniety in things being done. Is this how it's going to be for the rest of our lives? Are we never, ever going to strike a balance between work, life, family, friendships, relationships? And why, why do we always take for granted those nearest and closest to us because we feel that no matter what we do or say they will forever be there for us? That's usually the case, but still!

And the more I introspect on aforementioned matters, the more I feel discomfitted and generally upset for no reason I can clearly pin-point to anyone. Arghhhhhhh!

I think I'm going to curl up in bed now, close my eyes and hope I wake up tomorrow morning feeling like I've slept a wholesome 8 hours.



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