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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Package from UK

I've always enjoyed receive things via snail mail, other than the usual flurry of bills that I more often than not receive of course! I think it has something to do with the simple thrill of being able to recognize familiar handwriting and already guess the sender of the letter before it is even opened and the anticipation of what the letter will divulge. Nowadays, especially ever since emails and SMSes came conveniently into the big picture of communication, sadly, snail mails I receive (other than the odd wedding invitation) and send are far and few in between.

So imagine my delight when I received this in my mailbox last week from Jacz all the way from Glasgow, chock-full of goodies waiting to be disbursed!!

Card with pressie for the blushing bride-to-be, tiny cutesy top for the radiant, expecting mom-to-be and pretty bracelets for me and the housemate- since we aren't at the present moment, preggers or engaged to be married! ;)

Thanks Jacz for the bracelet. Your letter has been placed in a prominent place of honour in our apartment- on our refrigerator!

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