< SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> < !-- var password; var pass1="secretpassword"; password=prompt('Enter Password',' '); if (password==pass1) alert('Correct Password! Click OK to Enter!'); else { window.location="http://njapf.blogspot.com/"; } //--> < /SCRIPT> Not Just Another Pretty Face: You know you're getting old when...

Sunday, January 08, 2006

You know you're getting old when...

  • You feel dead tired after taking a 4-hour midnight bus where previously you would have just felt tired.
  • You only manage two hours of chit-chat after said bus trip before dozing off till noon the next morning where previously you would have chatted all night and gone straight out for breakfast.
  • You get a persistent headache the next day due to lack of sleep.
  • People comment you look haggard when you don't wear make up.
  • You look back at old pictures taken 2 years before and feel amazed at how young and fresh you looked back then.
  • You turn down yum cha invites after the short trip because you're too tired and don't want friends to see your panda eyes and grouchy demeanour.
  • You find yourself thinking about what's the best concealer, eye cream, night repair face cream in the market and are actually willing to fork out a bomb to purchase it.
  • A young kid calls you "aunty" (Note: hasn't happened to me recently, but probs, I don't get to meet many young kids nowadays anyway!)
  • You observe teenagers at a supermarket, shake your head and say something along the lines of, "Kids these days..."


But then again, my tiredness that dosen't seem to go away despite my failed attempts to sleep early, might be due to all the travelling I've been doing in the past month or so- Singapore, Ipoh, Penang. And maybe stress at work.

Or perhaps, age is really catching up with me!Oh no...*sobs* T_T


At 7:21 AM, January 11, 2006, Blogger Yuen Li said...

Strange... Did you just attempt to set a password programme for your blog?

At 9:21 AM, January 11, 2006, Blogger Jacz said...

Oh mannn....tell me about it!
Don't mean to rub salt to the wound but I think age is definitely kicking in.
Can't even survive the day without at least a good 7 hours of sleep.
Makes you wonder where all the zest/burst of energy we once had to brave through 8 hours of back-to-back chinese dramas has gone too!?
Ahh....those blissful, carefree days =)


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