Let's talk about sex, baby!
"FEMALE CONDOMS" a bold sign in front of the booth proclaimed. I've heard about the female version of a condom, but never had a chance to see it for myself, especially since they are not for sale in Malaysia yet.
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This is how the packaging looks like. It reminds me of the packaging of the wet, scented towels you usually get after a Chinese dinner.
According to a pamphlet that the nice lady handed to me along with the female condom (FC) sample, the FC is produced in the United Kingdom. It also states that:
"The FC is a loose fitting Polyurethane sheath of about 17 centimeters (6.5 inches) long with a flexible ring at each end that when inserted, lines the vaginal wall during sex. Polyurethane is a soft, thin supple plastic that is stronger than latex. (!!)"
For some inane reason, I find the last sentence rather hilarious. =D
I took this picture, and then decided there needed to be more contrast between the background and the condom itself to showcase the condom more clearly so...
Tadaa!! Nice contrast with the blue of my Pfizer notebook. Frankly, when I opened the packaging, I was rather surprised to feel how well-lubricated the condom was. It made my fingers slick with err...lubricant.
According to the lady, the condom can be re-used up to 3 times! Probably because it's made of Polyurethane, a soft, thin, supple plastic that is stronger than latex!!
After use, the FC can be pulled gently out and I suppose, washed (?!), and kept for future use. It can also be inserted up to 8 hours before intercourse.
Some other interesting facts excerpted from the pamphlet:
"An estimated 133 million pregnanices worldwide annually are unintended."
"Polyurethane conducts heat, so sex can feel very sensitive and natural with the FC."
"You may hear some rustling noises...you may need more lubricant."
"Do not use a female and male condom together as it might cause either to break."
"Safe sex is better sex?"
At the end of our photo shoot, that's where the FC ended up. Awww...*cue for sad violin strains*
Errr...you know what my first thought was? That if it comes out in Malaysia then men will not even think of using condoms anymore! Ladies to do all the work! Cynical leh...
As it is, already some men refuse to wear condoms, so I guess the FC will offer ladies -whenever it becomes available here- an option to protect themselves from irresponsible men. Then again, it isn't cheap, per FC costing between 3-5 Aussie dollars. Even if you re-use it 3 times, that's about RM 4 minimum per use.
Re-use three times? I am not sure about you, but personally, that would be plain wishful thinking...
FCs don't sell well over here in the UK...
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