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Friday, August 19, 2005

Hungry Ghost Day Nightmare

I had a nightmare yesterday night or rather, early this morning.

It involved me and a friend in a fatal car crash. I was driving my baby Wira and we were on a trip somewhere, I think. Then we came to this hill and I must have been reversing. For some reason, I found that my auto "D" gear wasn't working! So the car kept sliding down the hill and nothing I did seemed to be able to stop that!

The car kept picking up speed as it slid down the long slope and reached the frightening speed of a roller coaster. Only this time, it wasn't an amusment park ride, it was my car, going backwards and at alarming speed!

Predictably, we crashed, died and I actually saw our bodies -although covered in blodied cloths-in the mangled wreck that was my car. I was hovering over the accident site like those souls you see in ghost movies who still linger around after their physical self has already died. A difference was that I did realize that I was dead in my dream...Scary eh? *shiver*

Well a consoling thought is that dreams never do come true, do they?


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