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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ever the same...but things still change

In the midst of compiling some songs for my best friend's wedding, I realized as I combed through my collection of music, that it was such an eclectic, random mix of influences from the people I have or had in my life. People I  love, have loved, have lost, have hurt. Been hurt by. Will always be fond of or close to.  

For just a while as I played many familiar tunes, I dwelled on the memories that were associated with the specific song that was playing. Moments in a particular time, that had meant the world to me or I wanted to forget forever. Funny isn't it, how songs can make you recall poignantly.

But the melody of life stops for no one, no matter how much they wish.

How much I wished the lyrics would stop at the best of times, and yet I still stupidly, impossibly hope.

*I dedicate this song and post to you. I wish with all my heart things will be fine for you soon.*

"Just let me hold you while you're falling apart
Just let me hold you and we'll both fall down
Fall on me, tell me everything you want me to be
"I'll be there for you and you'll be there for me
"You're no burden, I assure, You tide me over"



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