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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dirty Little Secrets

Has it already been two weeks since I shut the door?

Time seems flighty and stretchy, like the web of spiders, or the illusion of it, seems to be. A fly trapped in a spider’s web, I imagine if I could talk to flies, would tell you that it is a trap spun to deceive when in reality, like the web of deceit, it is a lot less delicate and a lot more sordid. And always, a very calculated measure.

It could have been two hours or two months. Does time really matter? In the unreal haze of hurt, not looking back for any trace of guilt? regret? relief?, a little voice that is the very core of strength in me which I never knew I possessed told me with dire irony, that the wonderful news was that: I was alone. The only person I had to care about was me. The walk I walked was lonely but with my head unbowed.

I may never know the whys and whats or discern the reality from the illusions but with time, one day it will not matter to me anymore.

As for now, I wish to set myself free of all the dirty little secrets- the burden is not mine to carry.



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