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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

All my bags are packed

My luggage, laptop, backpack and Lonely Planet NY.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a 20 30 hour plus airplane ride, all by myself.

Haven't been on a long-haul trans-atlantic flight for a while now. The last time must have been when I was eleven - a family trip to Los Angeles.

Gonna be travelling alone for the next 2 weeks or so. A girl, all by herself in the big, big US of A. Gee, sounds so lonely. -_-

*sobs* I'm gonna miss you all...

I know ya'll will miss me too!! Hahaha.

But fear not, I'll be back - with a vengence - on the 20th of March. >:[ Hee hee.

Till then, do drop me an SMS on my mobile (my new number!!) ya?? I'd really appreciate all your thoughts. =D



At 3:44 PM, March 10, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duh-uh.. where's d no. to sms lar wei...? ;)


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