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Thursday, April 02, 2009

When the light shines through

You know that heart-stopping moment of lucid clarity when you look at a something and you just know, inexplicably so, that that is the perfect thing for you?

So much so that making an incorrect decision is simply impossible because- there can only be one foregone conclusion. A single certainty.

Moments like these are a rarity. Most of the time, the terror of making the wrong decisions breeds indecision. A gazillion 'what ifs' speeding through the mind at lightning speed, immobilizes.

But yet, there are wondrous instances when you just know and without hesitation you reach out and touch. And in a heartbeat, all time seems to stand still.

Afterwards, the being is swaddled in blissful warmth, cocooned and nurtured with the happiness of loving. And giving.

I'm glad, deep down, you never stopped caring.



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